Offer Form

Below is our offer process. Please complete

    Section 1:
    Complete this section for reporting your offer:

    Offer Accept Process & Proof Of Funds:
    Please only complete the next section if we have advised your offer is accepted.

    So we have accepted your offer please complete and submit this form together with reconfirming your offer above

    Section 2:

    Anti Money Laundering:
    It’s a legal requirement for letting agents to prove ID of the clients. We will also conduct a lands registry search to verify ownership once instructed. Please have your ID to hand.

    ** Click here to see what ID we need


    Politically Exposed Persons (PEPs)

    In addition to confirming the identity as referred to above, we are now required to ascertain whether you or any member of your family is classed as a Politically Exposed Persons (PEPs) Politically exposed persons are persons that are entrusted with prominent public functions, held in the UK or abroad. Typically, this includes:

    • Heads of State, Heads of Government,

    • Ministers and deputy or assistant ministers Members of Parliament or similar bodies

    • Members of the governing bodies of political parties

    • Members of supreme and constitutional courts and other high level judicial bodies

    • Members of courts of auditors or boards of central banks Ambassadors, and high-ranking officers in the armed forces

    • Members of the administrative, management or supervisory bodies of state owned enterprises Directors, deputy directors and members of the board, or equivalent of an international organisation.

    The definition includes family members such as spouse, partners, children (of the person and their spouse or partner) and parents and known close associates. Close associates are persons who have: joint legal ownership, with a politically exposed person, of a legal entity or arrangement any other close business relationship with a politically exposed person sole beneficial ownership of a legal entity or arrangement set up for the benefit of a politically exposed person.

    Please confirm if you would be regarded as PEP


    If you have not yet decided leave blank or fill in what you can if you have a solicitor:

    Would you like Keates to recommend a solicitors?

    Please note we will in some circumstances gain a small commission for referrals.

    Do you have your own solicitor?

    Please confirm details below:


    Branch address:


    Fields marked with a * are required.